Galiano Island Hiking Trails – Bodega Ridge

Level: Easy

Distance: 7 km

Time: 1½ h

Elevation Change: 282 m

Season: Year Round

Map: 92 B/14

Access: Just before the Lovers’ Leap Viewpoint turn right on to Cottage Way. The trailhead starts from the end of the road.

The trail along Bodega Ridge is an excellent example of the concept Think Globally, Act Locally. When threatened with clearcut logging in 1991 locals became motivated to raise enough funds to purchase the property for posterity. Through their efforts the deal was sealed four years later. The open ridge provides magnificent views of Trincomali Channel and beyond. After feasting your eyes you may wish to turn back or continue on to Cook Road. Turn left and follow Porlier Pass Road to loop back to where you started.

Brant Festival <<->> Galiano Island Hiking Trails - Bluffs Park

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