BC Car-Free will introduce you to the finest in outdoor recreation that coastal British Columbia has to offer. All excursions begin in Vancouver, British Columbia and can be undertaken without a car, using existing public transportation infrastructure. Topics include hiking, kayaking, backpacking, cycle touring, whale watching, horseback riding, birding, river rafting, canoeing and cave exploring. For a complete listing of destinations click the BC Car-Free book cover above.
Just the Facts…

  • 340 pages
  • 94 separate trips
  • 52 maps
  • 130 photos
  • 25 sidebar illustrations
  • 12 activities including…

Hiking – 41 Trips

Backpacking – 10 Trips

Ocean Kayaking – 13 Trips

Cycle Touring – 10 Trips

River Rafting – 3 Rivers

Horseback Riding – 1 Location

Cave Exploring – 3 Caves

Canoeing – 1 Trip

Whale Watching – 3 Locations

Birding – 5 Species

Salmon Watching – 3 Locations

Getaways – 3 Trips

4 thoughts on “BC CAR-FREE”

  1. Thanks for the trips to the Gulf Island.

  2. Buck Naked says:

    Great book, where can I buy it?

    1. It’s out of print now but the good news is, all of the content is now ported over to this site.

  3. miasmatic says:

    I’ve never found so much useful information in one place before. I took the bus over to Vancouver Island recently to go whale watching. We saw two huge pods of orcas and a minke whale. I couldn’t have done it with out BC Car-Free even though I’ve lived in Vancouver all my life. We saved a bundle on the ferry fare alone.

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Exploring Southwestern British Columbia without a Car