#7 The Height of the Action

Timing is everything in photography. One second before or one second after the “Decisive Moment”, as photojournalism pioneer Henri Cartier-Bresson termed it, can make all the difference between a keeper and the delete button.

Observing your surroundings and anticipating how actions are going to unfold are the essential skills we are going to practice in this assignment. A park or playground would be the ideal place to practice capturing the decisive moment. Watch for joggers and practice catching their foot suspended, just about to touch the ground. Catch children — with permission — in mid-jump and office workers taking a bite or anyone throwing anything: catch the moment of release. Catch banners or flags perfectly arrayed as they flutter in the wind.

As an egret zooms in for a landing at dusk along the Bangbyeon River in Andong it tilts back to slow its descent, extending its legs at the same time. A second sooner or later and the shot would have been just average. Note the gazebo reflected in the background. The ducks paddling about the scene nearly ruined the shot.

With just a light breeze to lift them, I had to wait for many gusts to lift these koi kites, suspending them just so, in Miyamacho, Kyoto Prefecture.

Yesterday’s News: Here I wanted to shoot fast before the recycling collector noticed me yet wait for the moment his hands let go. I could see the pedestrian approaching on the other side, all set to spoil the shot but I took it anyway. Bonus: the newspaper headlines scream about war in Iraq.

Tempura Suspended: An elderly passenger digs into his “ekiben” on a local train in northern Kyoto Prefecture.

This shot was pure luck. The ride was swirling too fast to notice the hands but I managed to capture them, in perfect position, anyway. I’ll take it.

All photographs were taken by Brian Grover. To browse more images visit my photo gallery here: Brian Grover Photography.

#6 High Contrast Photography <<->>#8 Top-Down

Exploring Southwestern British Columbia without a Car